Ayuline boost ortho care juice

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boost ortho -06
SKU:- boost ortho -06

Ayuline boost ortho juice is suitable for gout, arthritis, uric acid ,cervical, sciatica etc.  it reduces pain  and stiffness in the muscles natural pain killer and having no side effects 100% natural and safe 

Ayuline boost ortho care juice made by 9 herbs like salai guggul, nirgundi,malkangini ,rasana, methi, hadjod, haldi (curcumin) aloevera and ashawganda.ITS strengthened the bones and form for joints.it reduces remission maximizes  joint function smoothly  it reduces pain  ,strong anti oxident ,anti inflammatory  pain reliever. take 15-20ml twice a day with 100 ml water (luke warm ) before meals take plenty of water atleast 2-3 lt per day 

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